Kid Icarus protagonist Pit, as he appears in Super Smash Bros Brawl Kid Icarus, known in Japanese as Mirror of Palutena, is a series of fantasy video games developed and published by NintendoThe games are set in a Grecianinspired fantasy world called Angel Land, and the chronicles of Pit, a young angel who fights for the goddess Palutena Kid Icarus is oftenFor detailed information about this series, visit Icaruspedia or Divinipedia The Kid Icarus series is a video game franchise based on Greek mythology The original Kid Icarus was created by Satoru Okada on for the Nintendo Famicom, and later ported internationally for the NES in July 1987 It follows the main character, Pit, who is the captain of an angel army andWMG / Kid Icarus Uprising WMG / Kid Icarus Uprising The Aurum were created by an alien race to be selfreplicating space probes, but due to bad programming, went on to devastate planets, much like the Slylandros' probes did ships It would certainly explain why they're so obsessed with making more of themselves
Kid Icarus Uprising Flies In The Face Of Game Critics Expectations