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++ 50 ++ lim x → 0 sinx/x(1 cosx) is equal to 308497-Lim x → 0 sinx/x(1+cosx) is equal to

Tap for more steps Split the limit using the Sum of Limits Rule on the limit as x x approaches 0 0 1 2 ⋅ lim x → 0 1 lim x → 0 cos ( x) lim x → 0 sin 2 ( x) 1 2 ⋅ lim x → 0 1 − lim x → 0 cos ( x) lim x → 0 sin 2 ( x) Move the limit inside the trig function because cosine is continuousTaking the numerator and denominator separately and letting x approach 0, sinx = 0 and x=0, this will be of the form 0/0 which stands undefined There is a proof which involves the left limit and the right limit which will work out to1 However, o By using the Squeeze Theorem lim x→0 sinx x = lim x→0cosx = lim x→01 = 1 lim x → 0 sin ⁡ x x = lim x → 0 cos ⁡ x = lim x → 0 1 = 1 we conclude that lim x→0 sinx x = 1 lim x → 0

Lim X 0 Sinx X Formula

Lim X 0 Sinx X Formula

Lim x → 0 sinx/x(1+cosx) is equal to
